Thomas Peschak: Dive into an ocean photographer's world
Tomass Pesčaks: Ienirsti okeānu fotogrāfa pasaulē
Thomas Peschak strives to merge photojournalism and cutting edge science to create powerful media projects that tackle critical marine conservation issues. Full bio
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full of color and life,
pilna krāsu un dzīvības,
fantastical creatures.
citplanētu paskata radībām.
ruling the food chain
pārvaldām barības ķēdi,
dancing across coral reefs.
dejojam pa koraļļu rifiem.
kas kļuvis par fotogrāfu,
looking for places
esmu pavadījis meklējot vietas,
to dream about when I was little.
kā tās, par kurām sapņoju bērnībā.
at a fairly young age.
jau diezgan agrā vecumā.
I truly went underwater,
kad patiesi biju zem ūdens,
furiously finning
sparīgi minoties,
cannon on a shallow coral reef.
lielgabalu seklā koraļļu rifā.
to grab hold of it,
surrounded by fish
un mani tūlīt apņēma zivis
I fell in love with the ocean.
from really, really big sharks
no ļoti, ļoti lielām haizivīm
in the palm of your hand.
kas ietilpst tavā plaukstā.
of humpback whales
Great Bear Rainforest.
Lielo lāču lietus mežu krastiem.
of green sea turtles
pārošanās rituālu līdzzinātājs
and is affected by the ocean.
un ir okeāna ietekmēts.
I used to dream of as a child
par ko bērnībā sapņoju,
zemeslodes vadošo plēsēju lomu,
many of these ripple effects firsthand.
no šīm blakusparādībām.
I had to shock my audience
no viņu vienaldzības
with disturbing images.
for me to effect change
kā panākt pārmaiņas,
the ocean's surface.
and become a champion for it
un kļūt par tā aizstāvi,
of conservation photography.
vides saudzēšanas fotogrāfa spēks.
that kind of high
kad piedzīvoju šāda veida pacilājumu,
nelīdzenajiem, mežonīgajiem krastiem.
travel northwards
we call the Sardine Run.
ko dēvējam par Sardīņu skrējienu.
have good reason to run.
of hungry and agile predators.
izsalkušu un veiklu plēsēju pūļi.
of the sardines from the main shoal
daļu sardīņu no galvenā bara
against the ocean surface
iesloga zivis pret okeāna virsmu
are these mortal enemies,
ir nāvīgi ienaidnieki,
they actually coexist.
tie patiesībā līdzāspastāv.
help sharks feed more effectively.
veiksmīgāk baroties.
are more dispersed
būtu izkliedētākas,
with what I call a sardine donut,
ko tādu, ko saucu par sardīņu virtuli
with sharks on the sardine run,
ir bijuši daži pikanti mirkļi.
just like any other guest
gluži kā jebkuram citam
mēs dodamies uz austrumiem,
that is the Indian Ocean
of coral islands.
lietus perioda laikā
in Baa Atoll called Hanifaru.
Bā atolā ‒ Hanifaru.
of your pupils,
nav lielāki par jūsu zīlītēm,
become patchy,
kļūstot skrajākām,
backwards again and again,
atmuguriski kūleņo,
chasing its own tail.
to form these long feeding chains,
veidojot garas barošanās ķēdes,
the first or second manta in line
kas izbēg no pirmās vai otrās mantas,
by the next or the one after.
vai manta pēc tās.
we call cyclone feeding.
ciklonveidā barojoties.
and delivering the plankton
iesūcot un nogādājot planktonus
amongst such masses of hundreds of rays
like the Manta Trust,
from their skins.
gatavotu tradicionālās bungas.
conservation champions
vides saudzētāji,
Maldīvijas tautsaimniecībai
every single year.
to travel back in time
atgriezties atpakaļ laikā
bija lielākoties tukšas
is visiting remote atolls
ir attālu atolu apmeklēšana
and fishing fleets,
un zvejas flotēm.
is a poignant reminder
ir sāpīgs atgādinājums tam,
of Bassas da India,
par Basu da Indiju,
in the Mozambique Channel.
Mozambikas kanālā.
ir Galapagu haizivju nārsta vieta.
even during the day.
nevar sūdzēties, pat dienas laikā.
that they'd be even bolder
ka naktī tās būtu vēl drošākas
vienā koraļļu atsegumā.
kādēļ izvēlējos savu ceļu.
for National Geographic Magazine
National Geographic Magazine uzdevums
on the Pacific side
pelēkajiem vaļiem.
of a wholesale slaughter,
plaša mēroga slaktiņa vieta,
gray whales were killed,
vairāk nekā 20 000 pelēko vaļu.
a remarkable comeback.
ir veikusi ievērojamu atgriešanos.
of the peninsula lies Cabo Pulmo,
had brought them close to collapse.
viņus bija novedusi tuvu pie sabrukuma.
convinced the authorities
pārliecināja varasiestādes
was nothing short of miraculous.
bija patiesi brīnumaini.
a single decade of protection,
vien pēc desmit aizsardzības gadiem,
recovery of fish ever recorded.
jebkad reģistrēto zivju atjaunošanos.
for it -- come with me.
dodieties man līdzi.
and densest schools of fish
un blīvākajiem zivju bariem
to be creators of hope.
ir spēja būt cerību radītājiem.
that it is not too late for our oceans.
ka mūsu okeāniem vēl nav par vēlu.
on nature's resilience
dabas neatlaidībai
vienlaikus radot attēlus,
līdzāspastāvēšanu ar okeānu.
an everyday occurrence for me.
par ikdienišķu parādību.
that will effect change
kas panāks pārmaiņas,
Thomas Peschak - Conservation photographerThomas Peschak strives to merge photojournalism and cutting edge science to create powerful media projects that tackle critical marine conservation issues.
Why you should listen
Thomas P. Peschak is an assignment photographer for National Geographic Magazine and the Director of Conservation for the Save our Seas Foundation (SOSF). He is a senior fellow of the International League of Conservation Photographers and has been named as one of the 40 most influential nature photographers in the world.
Originally trained as a marine biologist, he retired from science fieldwork in 2004. He became an environmental photojournalist after realizing that he could have a greater conservation impact with photographs than statistics. Yet he remains rooted in marine science through his roles as Director of Conservation for SOSF and Founding/Associate Director of the Manta Trust.
Thomas has written and photographed five books: Currents of Contrast, Great White Shark, Wild Seas Secret Shores and Lost World. His latest book, Sharks and People, was released in 2013 and chronicles the relationship between people and sharks around the world.
He is a multiple winner in the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards and in 2011 and 2013 he received World Press Photo Awards for his work.
Thomas Peschak | Speaker |